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By Jen Leitch, Development Officer

Tired of June Gloom? Need a perk? Join the P.S. ARTS membership program and get a new perk every month!

For the month of August, the Los Angeles sandwich and pie shop, Simple Things, is offering P.S. ARTS members 30% off their entire check. And it doesn’t stop there. Members also receive invitations to our special events, the P.S. ARTS newsletter featuring organization updates and arts education news, and a P.S. ARTS welcome gift. Most importantly, a membership helps provide arts education to 15,000 students in our community each week.

As many of us have experienced, the arts have a unique ability to both enlighten and inspire, chronicle the past and point to the future, and transcend barriers – language barriers, economic barriers, and ability barriers, among others. Unfortunately, the arts have been eliminated from many California public schools in the wake of budget cuts. At P.S. ARTS, we work to create and restore access to the arts for underserved schools and communities.

“Only through P.S. ARTS does a child, who so many questioned whether or not he had the ability to cope with a regular education program, sit front and center as the proud leader of his team of peers, before parents and teachers,” said a principal at a P.S. ARTS partner school in an email sent to our executive director. “The energy and vibrancy of P.S. ARTS programs continues to make a difference every day in the lives of many.”

But we can’t do it without your help. Gifts of all sizes are what make our program a success – a gift of $250 ensures that one child will receive arts education for an entire year. Please join us today and treat yourself to a year full of perks!



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