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P.S. ARTS offers free, subsidized, and fee-for-service programs based on school/organization eligibility and P.S. ARTS' capacity.

Please contact us at for more information or submit a service application here. Most programs are available in-person and virtually. P.S. ARTS is a pre-approved service provider in several LA County school districts, including LAUSD.

P.S. ARTS works within the public education system in our pursuit of social justice.

This provides a broad-scale opportunity to create generative spaces for youth that foster learning and wellbeing and, therefore, success. Its programs are purposefully designed to benefit students beyond the intrinsic value of creative expression by directly addressing social emotional competencies in three domains identified by University of Chicago Researchers as critical for success in adulthood (Nagaoka et al, 2015):

  • Self Regulation
  • Relationship skill
  • Self-Expression & Identity
P.S. Arts Our programs intro

Our programs

P.S. ARTS provides weekly arts education classes to students in our partner schools during the regular school day for the entire school year.

P.S. ARTS’ Inside Out Community Arts program, an award-winning after-school theater program, supports students in building self-esteem, conflict resolution, and socialization skills.

P.S. ARTS aims to provide arts experiences for the entire family. Our free, intergenerational, community events reach nearly 10,000 students and families throughout the year.

P.S. ARTS Teaching Artists receive a minimum of 20 hours of professional development per year. P.S. ARTS also offers Arts Integration Coaching to classroom teachers.

Program Goals

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Goal 1:

Student Learning

P.S. ARTS programs foster development of knowledge, skills, and social-emotional assets linked to wellbeing and success in school, work, and life.

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Goal 2:


P.S. ARTS curriculum and instruction is inclusive, promotes equity, and aligns with current education research, standards, and best practices.

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Goal 3:


P.S. ARTS programs provide opportunities for family and community engagement in children’s schools and lives.

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Goal 4:

Healthy CLimate

P.S. ARTS programs contribute to a welcoming, inclusive, and aspirational learning environment.

Theme & Anchorworks

Every year, P.S. ARTS chooses a theme to inspire curriculum planning and unify our multidisciplinary programs. To complete the theme we select “Anchorworks,” which are works created by a diverse group of artists that help anchor teaching and learning in real world examples of artistic traditions and practices. Our theme for the 2023-2024 school year is A Year of Play! Learn more about how play and creativity intertwine in our Theme & Anchorworks guide. 

Our programs emphasize the role of empathy, caring, and authenticity in effective teaching practice.

P.S. ARTS’ programs are rooted in the viewpoint that learning is a hands-on, constructive, process driven by students’ prior knowledge, and natural curiosity. P.S. ARTS Teaching Artists tailor arts activities to encourage learning through inquiry, experimentation, and collaboration, and focus on global mindedness, and innovation.

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