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By Stephanie Kistner, Education & Programs Associate

On June 2nd, P.S. ARTS helped facilitate the first annual TakePART Arts Festival: Connecting Communities Creatively at R.H. Dana Middle School in Hawthorne. Students from the Centinela Valley Union High School, Hawthorne, Lawndale Elementary, Lennox and Wiseburn school districts came together to showcase their creative talents and share a fun, art-filled day with their community. The free, family-friendly event attracted more than 2,000 people! Event attendees were able to participate in hands-on art activities, stroll through a student art exhibit and catch live student dance, theater and musical performances.

The festival was planned by the TakePART (Public-school Arts Regional Team) initiative, which formed two years ago to promote the arts as essential to community life in the Centinela Valley region. TakePART provides music, theater and visual arts programs for students in the region. The TakePART Festival demonstrated the very real power that art has to bring communities together and create vibrant, cultural hubs.

Marisol Cruz, dedicated President of the Lennox School District, spearheaded the first ever Joint Resolution between the five districts through the adoption of the TakePART Arts initiative. Students and community members were able to sign the Joint Resolution at the TakePART Festival and show their support of the arts.

In a moving speech, Marisol summed up what art means to her, to her students and to the community:

“Our partnership with P.S. ARTS has provided our students with 21st century skills they need to have a competitive edge in today’s global economy. Art is a tool for infinite forms of self-expression. A tool we need in our schools for our students to value their unique life experiences through our common humanity.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself!

And of course, no arts festival would be complete without a little face painting! Or, arm painting, your choice. Here I am in action, painting a unicorn, which, it turns out is my specialty.

A HUGE thank you to all who attended, volunteered, sponsored and donated to the event! It wouldn’t have been possible without you!!



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