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On May 16, 2024, P.S. ARTS hosted an event at E2 ARTSPACE to thank and celebrate our community of supporters. Guests enjoyed Guerrilla Tacos, drinks, a William Eggleston exhibit of selected works, and a fun art project inspired by the acclaimed photographer. It was especially meaningful to host the event at this location because P.S. ARTS is working in partnership with E2 ARTSPACE to provide accessible and community based arts workshops. 

The vibe was celebratory and welcoming. Guests mingled, ate and drank, engaged in art, and were brought together to hear special remarks by E2 ARTSPACE Founder, and P.S. ARTS Advocate, Richard Lovett. Richard thanked guests for coming, their commitment to accessible and high quality arts education, and also shared his enthusiasm for the critical work P.S. ARTS does to bring the arts into systematically under-resourced schools around Los Angeles.  Both the Board of Trustees and Advisory ARTS Council members were acknowledged for their tireless and inspiring leadership. 

Trustee and Chair of the Governance Committee, Debbie Gribbon shared the following, “That party—because it truly was a party—at E2 ARTSPACE was brilliant. Richard was so engaging; how lovely to see someone who has fun with his fabulous collection and is so in tune with the goals of P.S.ARTS.”

P.S. ARTS looks forward to hosting more events that bring our community together. To learn more about our membership opportunities and receive invitations to events like this one, please visit


View more photos from the event here.




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