We are thrilled to have Angela Pu join the team for the spring as our design and media intern. We asked her a few “get-to-know-you” questions—see what she had to say!
Briefly introduce yourself and explain your position at P.S. ARTS.
Hi! I’m Angela Pu, the new media and design intern at P.S. ARTS! I will be mainly working on design projects for the organization—everything from pamphlets to signage to emails and evites! I’m born and raised in Southern California but went to college at Washington University in St. Louis where I studied communication design and computer science. I’m so excited to be here and working with the amazing team at P.S. ARTS!
What book is currently on your nightstand?
Currently? When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi. I haven’t started it, but what I’ve surmised about it sounds like a poignant and beautiful story about life, death, and all the experiences in between.
What is currently the most played song you’ve been listening to?
My current song obsession is “Almost (Sweet Music)” by Hozier.
Where is your favorite place to view or take part in art in Los Angeles?
I’m kind of new to the art scene in Los Angeles, but I’ve always loved the murals around the city as well as the Getty Center.
What famous person, either dead or alive, would you choose to take out for coffee?
Barack Obama for sure. Other than the fact that he was the president of the United States, I feel like he has a really interesting experience with transitional periods in his life, and that’s something I think we don’t talk about enough with young people.