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Lui Sanchez is P.S. ARTS’ Program Director for Extended Learning. As Program Director, Lui oversees the administration of the 6th – 12th grade in-school and after-school programming, as well as community arts programming. Read on to find out why Lui loves working with the Teaching Artists and theater students in our after school program, Inside Out Community Arts (IOCA).

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I am particularly inspired by the middle school students that participate in the Inside Out Community Arts after-school performing arts program. Over the years, the heartfelt creativity that the students express when writing their group plays has been amazing. They are unafraid to jump into the community and social issues of the day and explore the conflicts and challenges that are present and how they, their friends, and families are affected. From drug abuse and bullying to gender rights and social media fixations, there is no topic they won’t explore. Whether it’s a topic that hits close to home or one that teaches them more about the world they live in – these middle schools students artistically demonstrate that they are certainly the positive power for the future. Go, Inside Out!

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Thank you, Lui! To learn more about our IOCA program, click here.



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