Jaime Reichner is the Senior Program Manager of Educator Development. In this role, she provides support to our faculty of Teaching Artists in the areas of curriculum and pedagogy. Over the last few years, P.S. ARTS has shifted our Professional Development model to include virtual learning. Read on to learn more about how our Teaching Artists are keeping up with the latest trends in Arts Education, sharpening their skills, diving deep into DEI, and maintaining a connection in the virtual world.
In the spirit of our 21-22 program theme “Weaving the Threads, Reconnecting Our Stories,” we wanted to make sure Teaching Artists were also still able to connect with one another face-to-face. In addition to the online courses, we’ve designed a number of virtual opportunities for our faculty to catch up, discuss best practices with their peers, and engage in a little art-making together. Community is an enormous part of what makes our faculty so engaged and we are thrilled to provide a platform in which they can gather safely! Stay tuned for more details on P.S. ARTS’ faculty training starting January 31st as we continue to expand our Professional Development programs!