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P.S. ARTS is thrilled to announce the establishment of its new Advisory ARTS Council. As P.S. ARTS approaches its 35th Anniversary, the Advisory ARTS Council was developed as part of the organization’s strategic plan to increase connections, partnerships, collaboration, and awareness within the Los Angeles arts, culture and creative community.

The Founding Council Members are composed of a diverse and accomplished group of Los Angeles professionals from various artistic disciplines, organizations, and institutions across the city. The council will play a vibrant role in guiding and enhancing P.S. ARTS initiatives. With their valuable expertise, the council members will provide strategic insights, foster collaboration, and contribute to the fabric of P.S. ARTS, as it furthers the transformative reach of arts education through more schools, districts and communities.

Founding Advisory ARTS Council Members include:

Ahmed Best, Artist, Educator, Futurist

Charles Hirschhorn, President, Otis College of Art and Design

Francesca Gabbiani, Artist, Gabbiani Studio

Hadley Davis Rierson, Writer

Heather Benett, EVP, Michaels

Loryn Kolbrenner, LMK Creative

Mark Slavkin, Interim Executive Director, L.A. County High School for the Arts Foundation

Regan Pro, Deputy Director of Public Programs and Social Impact, Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

Rory Pullens, VP of Education, Soapbox Studios

Silver Tree, Director, Executive Producer

Stacen Berg, Partner & Executive Director, Hauser & Wirth

Sterling De Sutter Summerville, Founder and Lead Inclusion Strategist at De Sutter Summerville Consulting

To learn more about P.S. ARTS’ Advisory ARTS Council, contact Cassandra Krause, Advancement Director at



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