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Read Along

Griffin Matthews Reads “A Little Radical – The ABCs of Activism”

FOR 4+
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30 minutes
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P.S. ARTS Read Along Griffin Matthews Reads "A Little Radical - The ABCs of Activism"

Make your voice heard and get inspired to create change with actor Griffin Matthews from the TV show "Dear White People" as he reads "A Little Radical - The ABCs of Activism" which was written and illustrated by Danica and Jason Russell.


P.S. ARTS To Go! Mark Bradford Social Abstraction Collage with Mr. Oscar

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Today, we’ll be making a project inspired by his window series based on what we see when we look out our windows!
Millett present visual patterns while breaking up the process in her work, creating more of an abstract style.
Create your own construction paper collage mosaic inspired by the artist Alma Woodey Thomas!
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