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P.S. Arts Arts Education RECAP

Arts Education RECAP

Read all the research, news, and policy in our arts education RECAP for August 2021.


The Benefits of the Arts: ArtsEdSearch has six new research articles that studied different ways the arts benefit people. Arts Education Partnerhip

New Study: Did Online School Drive Down Cyberbullying? When the pandemic first struck, many child well-being advocates worried that the massive shift to remote school would spur an uptick in a troubling behavior: online bullying. According to new research from Boston University, however, virtual learning may have had precisely the opposite effect.” The 74

More California Schools Adding Yoga to School Day “California is urging schools to enhance their student wellness offerings as campuses reopen, and yoga is a popular option in many districts because it merges physical and mental health and is relatively easy to implement.” EdSource


Free School Meals for All Children Can Improve Kids’ Health “Recognizing that millions of U.S. children are at risk of hunger, Maine and California have approved funding to offer free school meals to all students within their state. Meanwhile, a bill proposed in Congress aims to make free school meals a permanent fixture in all states. The Universal School Meals Program Act would provide free healthy meals and snacks to all children in public and nonprofit private schools regardless of income.” The Conversation

Illinois Has Become The First State to Require the Teaching Of Asian American History “Empathy comes from understanding. We cannot do better unless we know better. A lack of knowledge is the root cause of discrimination and the best weapon against ignorance is education.” KQED

U.S. Department of Education Releases $600 Million to Support Homeless Students “I am thrilled that all states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico now will be able to use these funds from the American Rescue Plan to support students’ success in the new school year and ensure they are connected to vital services and supports.” Diverse Education

Weaving SEL into a Standards-Focused Curriculum “While a return to in-person learning may have stakeholders eyeing how to shore up curriculum from the past year, educators can still address SEL needs and help support students both academically and emotionally.” K-12Dive

Department of Education Increases COVID-19 Relief Funding to Historic and Under-Resourced Institutions “These institutions have a long history of serving our students—particularly students of color, first-generation college students, and other students who are underrepresented in higher education—and the Department stands ready to support them so they can expand their vital services.” Diverse Education

California Cuts the Number of Tests Teachers Must Take to Earn Credential “California’s newly approved state budget allows teacher candidates to skip two of the tests that had been required to earn a teaching credential if they take approved coursework.” EdSource

Ed Dept Expands Second Chance Pell Program Again “The U.S. Department of Education on Friday announced it will grow the Second Chance Pell program, which gives individuals who are incarcerated the chance to receive federal Pell Grants to pursue a credential.” Higher Ed Dive


Data Privacy Lessons From the Pandemic Virtual Series Webinar: “This second webinar in the Data Lessons for the Pandemic Virtual Series examines those concerns and explores strategies for addressing them without stifling the benefits of data-driven decision-making.” August 26, 2021 Education Commission

American Rescue Plan Grants to Organizations: “Grants will be made to eligible organizations to support their own operations. Unlike other Arts Endowment funding programs that offer project-based support, Rescue Plan funds are intended to support day-to-day business expenses/operating costs, and not specific programmatic activities.” National Endowment for the Arts


‘They’ll Know More than I Ever Knew’: More States Move to Require Lessons on Native American History and Culture “The push to improve what students learn about Native Americans at school has existed for decades, but recent advocacy by tribes and Native American educators has led several states to add requirements or expand their curriculum.” Chalkbeat

Exploring Gender Identity and Expression with Children “If we want to raise kids who are free to be themselves and dedicated to making the world a better place, we must begin by learning what it means to create a more accessible and inclusive world for everyone. Transgender, gender non-conforming and gender fluid folks and children deserve to be seen, heard and represented in the books they read, shows they watch and curriculum that’s taught in schools. They deserve to live happy and safe lives.” PBS


Students Need To Be In Classrooms, With Masks, This Fall, Education Secretary Says “On Monday, the U.S. Education Department will release a roadmap for the return to school, encouraging districts to invest in social and emotional support for students and outlining ways to ‘accelerate academic achievement.'” NPR

California Arts Council Receives $100M Funding Boost “On July 20, Governor Gavin Newsom released the details of fiscal year 2021-22 state budget that includes a more than $100 million one-time funding allocation for the California Arts Council, California’s state arts agency. The increase, approved with bipartisan support by the Legislature, calls for significant added investment toward the agency’s mission to strengthen arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all.” California Arts Council

California to Require Masks at School, a Cautious Decision that Treats all Students the Same “The new school year in California will start with students and teachers wearing masks, state officials announced Friday, staking out a cautious position on a day when new federal guidelines stressed the importance of fully reopening schools and recommended masks only for those who are not vaccinated.” LA Times

California Governor Signs Bill to Expand Student Aid, Create New Transfer Pathways “California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed higher education legislation this week that expands student financial aid, creates new transfer pathways and provides grants for workers displaced by the coronavirus pandemic.” Higher Ed Dive

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