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P.S. Arts Arts Education RECAP

Arts Education RECAP

Read all the research, news, and policy in our arts education RECAP for January 2021.


Our Kids Need Arts Education Now More Than Ever. Here’s What Is Lost Without It “Between months of a pandemic, years of political hostility and centuries of racism, mending America’s wounds will be the work of many hands. In his first 100 days, President-elect Joe Biden should empower school-age children—no fewer than one in six Americans—to help heal themselves, one another and their communities by restoring the arts to our education system.” Yahoo News

When Racial and Gender Bias Is So Darn Obvious — 2 Studies Offer Suggestions for Real Change “Education research is replete with studies that show how implicit bias can influence the success of students Black and white, male and female. But too often, the evidence of that bias and its impact is muddied by other considerations, such as income, where students live and how their families value education. Sometimes, though, the bias is so darn obvious that it’s hard to deny. And the results suggest solutions that can lead to real change. Two studies released in the past month, one on race and one on gender, come to mind.” The 74


Another Step Toward Universal Preschool in California? “Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, a veteran advocate for early education, and other legislators on Tuesday proposed a sweeping suite of bills to help reform the state’s early childhood system. The bills seek to expand transitional kindergarten to all 4-year-olds, make child care more affordable by creating a sliding scale for family fees, increase reimbursement rates for preschool teachers and bar expulsions and suspensions in preschool.” EdSource

Progressive Policy Institute’s David Osborne on Creating New Innovation Schools Guide at a Moment of Crisis “The data on this is really clear. If we’re just talking about public schools in urban communities, the more autonomy they’re given — as long as it goes with accountability — the more effective they are…” The 74

Denver Principal Sees Pandemic as Chance to Double Down on Social-Emotional Learning, Explore Anti-Racism “Despite the many challenges, COVID-19 has surfaced the chance to truly disrupt long-standing inequities in the education system. We can prioritize the voices, perspectives, and well-being of Black and Brown children who have been marginalized for too long. We can rethink many of our assumptions, notably the primacy of standardized state exams that has led to pernicious drill-and-kill test prep that is the antithesis of learning. We can address basic questions that have largely been neglected…” The 74


California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Applications close January 12, 2021 Care Life Grant

Grants for Arts Projects “These grants support arts projects that use the arts to unite and heal in response to current events; celebrate our creativity and cultural heritage; invite mutual respect for differing beliefs and values; and enrich humanity.” Deadline is January 20, 2021 National Endowment for the Arts

Individual Artist Fellowships Deadline for grants: April 1, 2021 California Arts Council


Dance Counts: How Policymakers Can Support Access to Quality Arts Education “The Arts Education Partnership’s recent report “Dance Counts” uses peer-reviewed research to highlight connections between high-quality dance education and improvements in academic and personal growth. This is the third report in a series describing the researched benefits of arts education. Understanding these connections becomes even more important when learning that dance remains one of the least available art forms for students” EdNote

Arts Advocacy Strategies and Practices: COVID and Beyond This webinar will be held on January 12, 2021 Californians for the Arts


Biden Picks Connecticut Schools Chief Miguel Cardona As Education Secretary “President-elect Joe Biden plans to nominate Miguel Cardona, the head of Connecticut’s public schools, to be his secretary of education.” NPR

Arts Education Policy Trends to Look for in 2021 “While we can’t predict what the next year — or 25 years — will bring in arts education, we do know that AEP’s partner and affiliate organizations will lead the way in making progress. In 2021, AEP will continue to build leadership capacity and share the collective expertise of our partners on racial equity and justice, uniting and healing through the arts, and funding opportunities for arts education.” EdNote

Thanks for reading our arts education RECAP for January 2021. View all our past RECAPS here.


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