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P.S. Arts Arts Education RECAP

Arts Education RECAP

Read all the research, news, and policy in our arts education RECAP for November 2020.

Americans for the Arts Issues Statement Congratulating President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris “This was a historic election with a record-high popular vote electing Joe Biden to become the 46th president of the United States and Kamala Harris, as both the first woman and woman of color, to be elected as vice president. The election was a triumph for our nation and for its progress towards democracy, racial justice, and equity.” Americans for the Arts


More Than Art in Art Education “The contributions of art education extend far beyond the school walls. Children learn skills they can use in their future careers, and older adults rediscover the joy they experienced as children.” Inside Indiana Business

Pandemic Takes a Swipe at Fine Arts Education, but Might Just Prove How Much it’s Worth “Students of all ages are in a different kind of bind. Their own exposure to the fine arts — music, visual arts, dance and theater — is deemed so important to professional educators that it is written into the Pennsylvania School Code. This is not because the commonwealth wants to churn out millions of professional artists, but because study after study has shown that exposure to the arts is crucial to students’ development in just about everything else: cognitive, emotional and social development, critical thinking, problem solving, independence, resilience, risk taking and more.” Go Erie


Board of Supervisors Adopts New Regional Blueprint for Arts Education “The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion…to adopt the Arts for all children, youth and families…which aims to bring arts education to young people throughout LA County.” Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture

Start at the Beginning: New Report Offers Solutions to Rooting Out Racism in Early Education Start with Equity: Data, Research, and an Actionable Policy Agenda, provides concrete solutions to addressing inequities in early childhood…” The 74


Take the COVID-19 Impact Survey “This survey is designed to gather information about the financial and human impacts of Covid-19’s pandemic-related restrictions and the State of California’s practicing artists, creative workers, culture bearers, and educators.” Survey also calls for input from nonproft and for-profit businesses involved in the arts. Californians for the Arts

ECS Live! Your Education Policy Connection Nov. 18-19 “The Winter Commissioners Meeting is our annual convening geared towards Education Commission of the States Commissioners. For two days, our Commissioners gather to hear from experts, share ideas and prepare for the year ahead.” Education Commission

California STEAM Symposium “Pre-Conference on Nov. 17 & the 8th Annual California STEAM Symposium on December 11-13, 2020” CDE Foundation


Media Training for the Arts Webinar “Stand up for the arts, cultural, and entertainment sector and join a statewide call-to-action for support. We need your voice!” Californians for the Arts

In the Face of COVID, Nonprofits Are Stepping Up With Tech-Based Video Instruction, Teacher Support, Parent Training & Tutoring “In the immediate need to respond to the challenges in front of them, few nonprofits have received the funding or support that allows them to focus on measuring impact. As nonprofits continue to operate fully virtual or hybrid solutions for the next school year, it’s more critical than ever for funders to support not only innovation, but also the research and evaluation that studies the impact of these changes on students and parents.” The 74


After a Costly Campaign, Charter-and Union-Backed Candidates Each Win Seat on L.A. Unified School Board “Charter school supporters and teachers union backers each won a seat on Los Angeles Unified School District’s school board Tuesday after a campaign that again set records for spending.” The 74

A 2020 EDlection Cheat Sheet: Recapping the 48 Key Races, Winners and Campaign Issues That Could Reshape America’s Schools and Education Policy “In the coming months, governors and state legislatures especially will play a pivotal role in determining how to steer schools through the public health and economic crises of the pandemic. That’s why we’ve curated 48 contests from the federal, state and local level with key implications for students, teachers and families, and why we’re reporting both the outcomes and the those that remain too close to call.” The 74

Thanks for reading our arts education RECAP for November 2020. View all our past RECAPS here.


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