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P.S. Arts Julian Stern & Ali Van de Bunt

We know it’s not #MarathonMonday, but we wanted to feature two of our amazing (and youngest) LA Big 5K runners before the race this weekend! Meet long-time volunteers and high school students (with parents on our Board of Trustees!) Julian Stern and Ali Van de Bunt, and learn why they’re running with Team P.S. ARTS.


“I am running the LA Big 5K not only to stay healthy and fit, but also so that P.S ARTS can continue their work. My family has supported P.S ARTS for many years, and it seemed like a no-brainer to run with Team P.S. ARTS. Having the arts in my education has given me a better understanding of what I want to do with my life and a greater perspective of how the world works. Without arts education, I think we would lack the ability to fully communicate with one another — the arts can spark debates and challenge perceptions. To put it simply, the arts make people think.”
Julian Stern


“I’m running in the LA BIG 5K because I love running (I am on my school’s cross country team), and I also love P.S. ARTS. I think that it is very important for children to have arts education because it keeps them engaged in school and allows them to express themselves.”
Ali Van de Bunt

Support Julian, Ali, and Team P.S. ARTS!



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