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Read all the research, news, and policy in our arts education RECAP for June 2023.


LGBTQ+ Books for Kids “In honor of Pride Month, here is a selection of great books for kids about LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) experiences.” LA County Library

50-State Comparison: Teacher Recruitment and Retention “This resource compiles state-specific data related to teacher shortages and provides a national comparison of state policies to recruit and retain teachers across the teacher pipeline.” Education Commission

Teens Say Social Media is Stressing Them Out. Here’s How to Help Them “About 95% of U.S. teens today use some type of social media, and about a third say they use it “almost constantly,” the Pew Research Center found in August. At the same time, teens and tweens are facing a mental health crisis. And research indicates that these two trends are intertwined: that social media can cause depression and lower life satisfaction.” KQED


Artificial Intelligence Will Not Transform K-12 Education Without Changes to ‘the Grammar of School’ “What would make this time different is if systems leaders and policymakers recognize that the benefits of new technologies in K-12 education are inherently constrained by age-based cohorts, standardized curriculum and all the other hallmarks of what David Tyack and Larry Cuban famously called ‘the grammar of school.'” The 74

Understanding and Supporting Girls With ADHD “Almost 13% of men and boys have ADHD compared to 5.6% of women and girls. Girls are often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed in part because parents and teachers are less likely to refer girls for treatment or diagnosis.” KQED

Digital Accessibility Is a Bigger Education Issue Than We Think. Here’s What We Can Do About It “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 4 Americans have a disability; this includes visual, hearing, ambulatory, cognitive, self-care and independent living disabilities. The impact these conditions have on people’s ability to perceive, operate and understand the communications they receive are varied, and disabilities can impact people of any age, race or income level.” EdSurge


Scared of School: Even in States With Protective Laws, LGBTQ Students Are Reporting Attacks from Other Kids — and Teachers “Nearly half of LGBTQ 13- to 17-year-olds considered suicide last year, as opposed to some 19% of high school students overall, according to The Trevor Project. Eighteen percent actually attempted it. Seventy percent report anxiety, and 57% experienced depression. Strong in-school relationships are a well-known protective factor. LGBTQ students who say their teachers care a lot about them are 37% less likely to consider suicide and 43% less likely to be depressed than those who don’t feel cared for, according to The Trevor Project.” The 74

Using a Strengths-Based Approach to Help Students Realize Their Potential “By taking a strength-based approach to education, you can help your students develop their skills and talents to realize their full potential. Let’s help kids figure out what they’re good at and improve those areas. Let’s prioritize helping students build their strengths and practice using them daily.” KQED

How a Social Emotional Learning Book Club Can Cut Across Cliques and Connect Kids “…the club did more than build a culture of reading. Whitewater, who spoke about the club’s success at an American School Counselor Association conference, noticed the social and emotional benefits of the club…” KQED


Feds: Book Removal in Ga. School District May Have Caused ‘Hostile Environment’ “In its first look into book challenges, the U.S. Department of Ed criticized Forsyth County’s withdrawal of titles with LGBTQ and Black characters.” The 74

Inside the Effort to Improve Transfers Between Community Colleges and Top-Ranked Schools “Relatively few two-year college students go on to selective institutions, but some higher ed leaders are creating new pathways to change that.” Higher Ed Dive


Prop 28: What We Know (So Far) A recently updated blog post about Prop 28 Create CA

California Budget 2023-24 CA Gov

LA Looks to Expand Popular Math Program Without Clear Evidence of Effectiveness “Cognitively guided instruction, or CGI, encourages educators to let students guide problem-solving.” The 74


Thanks for reading our arts education RECAP for June 2023. View past RECAPS here.



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