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Read all the research, news, and policy in our arts education RECAP for December 2022.


The Arts Education Data Toolkit “Since late 2017, the National Endowment for the Arts has collaborated with Education Commission of the States to promote more and better information on young people’s access to, and participation in, arts education. Together, we have led the State Data Infrastructure Project for Arts Education, an effort to create tools and technical assistance that help states extract, analyze and report on data about arts education. This toolkit is a central outcome of that effort.” Education Commission

New Study Details Challenges Facing Native Students, and How to Address Them “Indigenous researchers collected information from nearly 3,000 students (a 23.2% response rate). These students represent 172 Tribal nations. This Indigenous-led data sharing, collection, analysis and reporting —  an unprecedented collaboration among the nation’s four Native scholarship providers — found that college affordability, not academic performance or any other factor, is the primary obstacle preventing Native students from earning their degree.” The 74

How Music and Play Enhances STEAM Education for Early Learners “What I’ve learned most from my experience is that the arts can help teach any topic, and it can transform classrooms. Arts-integrated curricula and associated professional development are investments that can reap rewards for teachers, students and their families well into the future.Art Education Partnership

Post-Pandemic Survey Shows Parents Want Greater Control of Kids’ Education “‘What we’re hearing from parents loud and clear is they feel a greater sense of ownership over their child’s education,’ said Christian Lehr, a senior principal in Tyton’s strategy consulting practice. ‘The last two years have been incredibly difficult. Now, parents are actively searching for new experiences that will deliver on academic promises, yes, but also bring joy and delight.'” The 74


Some States Open College Savings Accounts for Every Newborn “California in August formally launched CalKIDS, the nation’s largest children’s savings account program. CalKIDS will automatically set up college savings accounts with initial deposits of up to $100 for every baby born in California on or after July 1, 2022. In addition, it will make a deposit up to $1,500 for each of the 3.4 million low-income public school students in first through 12th grade.” PEW

California To Ban Colleges From Cutting Aid For Students With Scholarships “Starting next year, California students from low-income families won’t have to worry about losing financial aid because they gained a scholarship from an outside organization. A new law recently passed by the California legislature will prohibit a practice known as scholarship displacement.” Forbes


Strategic Arts Education Planning “To deliver high-quality, culturally-relevant arts education courses to students, school districts and county offices of education need a Strategic Arts Education Plan in place. Create CA is here to help support the creation of arts education strategic plans!” Create CA

Arts + Economic Development “A resource page supporting the critical role Arts & Culture play in creating thriving communities.” Californians for the Arts 

Navigating SEL From the Inside Out: Looking Inside & Across 18 Leading SEL Programs: A Practical Resource for Schools and OST Providers—Middle & High School Focus “The field of social and emotional learning (SEL) is rapidly expanding, as evidence emerges that social and emotional skills have a positive impact on learning and life outcomes. This guide to evidence-based SEL programs provides detailed information on 18 middle and high school programs, encompassing curricular content and program highlights. School or out-of-school-time program practitioners interested in SEL can use the resource to look “inside and across” SEL programs to better understand their content and assess their fit with school district or community needs.” Wallace Foundation


Social Media Toolkit December 2022 Share about the 2022 accomplishments in the arts with the Create CA social media toolkit. Create CA

Introducing imi, a New Digital Space to Uplift, Support, and Affirm LGBTQ+ Youth “Tools like imi are needed now, more than ever. imi helps address elements contributing to the growing mental health crisis affecting LGBTQ+ youth by providing them with free, accessible, and research-backed support, built in a safe digital space. We believe in creating resources that uplift, support, and affirm young people who are exploring their LGBTQ+ identity. And we are guided by research that supports this.” imi


What Prop. 28 Funding Will Mean for Arts Education in California “Schools must spend 80% of the money on teachers and aides, which should help alleviate California’s teacher shortage, with the remainder of the funds earmarked for art supplies and materials.” EdSource

Incumbent California Schools Chief Wins Overwhelming Support for Second Term “Incumbent Tony Thurmond has won another bid to serve as California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, leading the vote over opponent Lance Christensen by about 2 to 1 as of midday Wednesday with about 42% of districts reporting.” The 74

Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Biden’s Student Debt-Relief Program “The Supreme Court on Thursday put President Biden’s student loan relief program on ice for now, agreeing to hear arguments about the program in February. The court’s action means the rollout of debt cancellation will remain blocked until then. The case will be argued in the February 2023 argument session, the court said in a brief order.” NPR

2022 Elections: Changes in State Leadership “Elections are pivotal not only for the new leaders they bring in, but also for the eventual appointments those leaders make. These changes have cascading effects on policymaking at the state level, which is why we track state-level elections every year. This one-pager, updated for 2022, captures the results of this year’s elections.” Education Commission

L.A. Schools Chief Alberto Carvalho — Our Kids Did Well on the Nation’s Report Card. Why Is That Hard to Believe? “The recent scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress are the latest indication of what we in the Los Angeles Unified School District already know — our students are demonstrating tremendous resiliency after the pandemic because of the incredible educators dedicating their time and energy to the families of Los Angeles. The tests, which assessed fourth and eighth graders in reading and math, showed students in Los Angeles Unified far surpassing expectations following pandemic disruptions and demonstrating greater growth than their peers around the country.” The 74

Ed Dept Outlines School Violence Prevention Options Under $1B Stronger Connections Grant Program “The 36-page draft document discusses allowable activities for supporting student mental wellness, helping preschoolers, meeting the individual needs of students with disabilities, and responding to incidents of hate, as well as for purchasing and using security equipment like surveillance cameras and metal detectors.” K-12 Dive

Thanks for reading our arts education RECAP for December 2022. View past RECAPS here.



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